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Kee Systems has recently provided Sunderland Royal Hospital with several bespoke access platforms to allow safe access to plant and equipment situated on the new Emergency Department’s roof.

Sunderland Hospital Bespoke Access PlatformSunderland Royal Hospital, Part of City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust, is a 970-bed acute hospital and has been undergoing an £18m redevelopment, upgrade and extension project which comprised the construction of a brand new Emergency Department.

Part of the Emergency Department works included the installation new plant and equipment to the roof area, installed by M&E specialist H Malone & Sons Ltd.  However, as is often the case when plant and equipment is involved, pipework and ducting presented access issues to some of the air conditioning units.   H Malone contacted Kee Systems who carried out a full site survey and recommended the installation of bespoke access platforms.
Royal Sunderland HospitalCustom built access platforms constructed from Kee Klamp® fittings were the ideal solution to providing safe access over obstructions and difficult to reach areas.  By using Kee Klamp fittings® Kee Systems was able to design each platform to the exact site requirements.  Installation was quick and easy on site, with the fittings installed using a standard hex key, saving considerable time and overcoming the need for specialist tools and hot works on site.  All crucial factors when working in a live hospital environment.  The end result is a series of robust and durable platforms which provide safe and clear access to all areas around the roof.

Kee Systems Bepsoke Access PlatformsCommenting on the extensive project, H Malone Project Director Dave Gourley, said: “The co-ordination of the job has probably been the most challenging that we’ve been involved with for many years.  At Kee Systems there is a great team working behind the scenes that made it possible to deliver such a successful project at rapid pace.”

All of Kee Systems’ tailored safe access platforms are designed to comply with current regulations and standards such as the Work at Height Regulations, BS5395: Part 3 and EN: 14122, BS 1139-6:2005 or PAS 250

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