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Getting Buzzy at Brewers!
In the months of July and August, Brewers Decorator Centres is adopting a bee for every litre of Albany paint purchased – which they anticipate could reach over 500,000 honeybees! To fulfil their pledge, Brewers are working closely with Gruffydd Rees from Gwenyn Gruffydd, a bee specialist based in the picturesque Carmarthen, South Wales.
The idea behind the adoption plan is to give a helping hand in reducing the decline of these vital pollinators. In preparation, a number of beehives have been set up and will be well looked after by Gruffydd Rees, a beekeeper with over 10 years’ experience and member of the Welsh Beekeepers Association and DASH accredited by the Governments Bee Unit. In addition to the adoption, they are planting bee friendly trees in community spaces in South Wales to provide a valuable food source for bees and other pollinators in the local area.
Find out more about Brewers’ bee activities or follow them on Facebook or Instagram the latest bee news!