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If you are looking for an eco-friendly, fire resistant paint, KEIM have the answer – KEIM Soldalit.
This is one of their exterior paint products which meets the rigorous fire safety standard A2-s1, d0 according to EN 13501-1. This replaces the British Standard reference 476 part 6/7, testing to even higher performance levels; put simply it means in the event of a fire the paint coating does not burn or in itself release any toxic chemicals or fumes, and in addition does not support the surface spread of flame.
Is this a new paint system you may ask? The answer is no. KEIM Mineral Paint’s ethos of manufacturing eco-friendly and sustainable products dates back to 1878, well before such ‘green’ terms become fashionable. You could say KEIM were centuries ahead of their time.
KEIM – kind to you, kind to use, kind to the environment
KEIM Soldalit also features the key KEIM attributes common throughout their paint systems, which includes breathability, longevity, only using natural ingredients which makes them exceptionally low VOC, odourless and inherently incombustible. KEIM is therefore kind to you, kind to use and super kind to the environment.
Not just for high-rise
In recent times, the focus quite rightfully has been on safeguarding residents, to protect them against the risk of fires in high-rises for example, with many existing buildings being re-evaluated for their safety and compliance. Here KEIM Soldalit can provide a cost-effective solution. Once any exterior cladding has been removed, KEIM Soldalit can be applied to provide a highly durable fire-resistant protection in just a couple of coats.
Currently the UK Regulations only applies to buildings of 18 metres or above, but all manner of structures, such as commercial buildings, houses, flats, hotels, and leisure facilities could reduce the risk of fires spreading by using KEIM.
Colour for today, tomorrow, forever
KEIM Soldalit is one of the most popular products within the KEIM portfolio, but they have perhaps been theindustry’s best kept secret until now. Over 7 million square metres of building facades have been painted using KEIM in the last 20 years.
They have recently launched Innostar, a one coat interior paint in a range of colours, ideal for walls, ceilings, and quick turnaround projects.
KEIM offers a range of paint options for exterior and interior use, plus colour washes to mimic concrete. All are odourless, manufactured using natural ingredients, with no added VOCs. Their ME paint neutralises noxious gases and pollutants, designed specifically for use in industrial or high traffic areas, whereas Ecosil is perfect
KEIM are delighted to play their part in protecting the environment, since 1878.
KEIM conduct no obligation site surveys across the UK, and a colour matching service. Visit for more information.