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Safe and secure, the advanced features of the A2 (FS-Xtra) board from Rockpanel delivers a new dimension to your exterior cladding design. An elegant combination of fire safety with the broadest range of aesthetic finishes and RAL/NCS colours, ensures your building meets or in some cases exceeds European fire safety standards.
Say no to Class 0
When discussing the fire safety of high-rise buildings in the UK, there is a great deal of confusion on the requirements for facade cladding panels. Central to this situation is the so-called ‘Class 0’, stemming from outdated national building regulations. Class 0 is still used in regulations to define the quality of facade cladding products, even while the mandatory European system on fire classification requires other, stronger specifications. Read more>
The Euroclass system
The Euroclass system defining the fire performance of building products came into existence in the year 2000. It was introduced by the European Union (EU) to remove trade barriers between individual member states. Before the introduction, manufacturers had to test building products in individual countries. All of them had their own unique testing methods to define the fire performance of a product.
The fire testing and classification standards for construction products have been harmonised in European Standard EN 13501-1. The European Reaction to Fire classification system (Euro classes) is the EU common standard for assessing the qualities of building materials in the event of a fire. Euro classes arise from classification systems for ‘reaction to fire’ performance of construction products.
Rockpanel A2 (FS-Xtra) external cladding boards
Applied on an aluminium or steel supporting structure and fixed with blind rivets, the application of the Rockpanel A2 (FS-Xtra) boards, in combination with mineral wool insulation, meets the requirements for European fire class A2-s1, d0 and can be classified as limited-combustible according to national building regulations.
Interested in our Rockpanel A2 board and like to receive a sample? Just visit our website and fill in the form on the page and we will send you the sample for free!