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With increased demand for permeable paving to address issues of SUDS, many driveways, access roads and car parks are now adopting grass paving alternatives.
With more than 50 years of grass paving installations, the Grass Concrete policy is to guide clients to the most appropriate system: in-situ-concrete, pre-cast concrete or plastic systems. This strict fit for purpose policy is the key to achieving sustainability in any construction project, with careful consideration of grass paving types, particularly when likely to be subjected to frequent traffic and weights of vehicles.
For regular trafficked areas and load bearing both Grasscrete or Grassblock can be utilised. Grasscrete is a cast on-site system and Grassblock comes in prefabricated blocks, both offering the heavy-duty concrete under structure necessary for regular trafficking in cap parking areas.
Sustainable Urban Drainage” is becoming an increasingly used term with planners and developer seeking to mitigate the implications of handling surface water run-off and its implications for the local storm water network, as well as introducing the prospect of rainwater harvesting for ecological design.
With the notion that grass reinforced systems can permeate at up to 90% the rate of natural grass a safe lag time can be achieved. Storing water within the system with low risk of ponding, until the ground can naturally re-charge is a significant benefit but requires a system that can offer a sufficient storage head to avoid surface flooding from “quarts into pint pots” issues. Lag time is beneficial in the prevention of flooding and can be extended by introducing an underlying drainage blanket across the full extent of the paved area. The drainage blanket can be used to either attenuate permeation to the water table or be a vehicle for rainwater harvesting.
Sustainable grass cover is best achieved by a system that promotes permeability. The depth and shape of the soil pockets therefore has a critical part to play. Both Grasscrete and Grassblock offer substantial capacity for soils and root systems to promote maximum grass coverage.
As a supplier of grass paving systems with more than 50 years of industry experience, our policy is to guide our clients to whichever system is most appropriate to their need: concrete, pre-cast concrete or plastic systems. This features a tailored fit for purpose solution for a greener permeable solution.
Talk to the experts of 50 years to find out more.
Tel 01924 379443