Profab Access Showcases Fire Safety Credentials at UKCW2024

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Profab Access showcased its range of fire integrity  products to professionals at UK Construction Week 2024, with fire safety and accountability high on the agenda.

With the Golden Thread and legal compliance around fire safety in buildings key topics at this year’s event, Profab Access and its team of experts were on stand to discuss how crucial its commitment to specifying riser doors and access panels that have undergone independent bi-directional fire testing is in the current construction climate.

Emma Holly, General Manager at Access 360, which consists of Profab Access alongside Bilco UK and Howe Green, said: “Profab Access recognises the importance of providing fire rated products that not only meet but exceed industry standards for safety and quality, and we believe this is crucial in helping to create a clear audit trail of test evidence for specifiers and construction professionals that we are prioritising quality, safety and reliability across our product range.”

Profab Access’ is a keen supporter of the Certifire scheme when it comes to fire safety accreditations for its products. Certifire is a globally recognised third-party certification scheme that ensures fire-related products have undergone rigorous performance testing and meet the industry standards for performance and legal compliance.

Due to the doors being fire tested in both directions, it proves the products’ ability to withstand exposure to fire and smoke from both directions, adequately preventing them from spreading throughout a multi-storey building via the riser shaft.

Emma continued: “This type of testing is essential for maintaining the integrity of a building’s fire safety measures and provides a level of assurance that can only be achieved by specifying high quality products that have been bi-directional tested by an accredited independent party.

“UK Construction Week was a fantastic opportunity to speak with construction industry professionals, with raising awareness of fire safety and the Golden Thread high on the agenda.”

Profab Access’ Specification Sales Manager, Jake Slade, also led a CPD session at the UKCW CPD Hub on day one of the event, titled ‘Safe, Practical & Aesthetic Roof, Ceiling, Wall & Floor Access Solutions’.

Jake and the wider CPD team at Access 360, parent brand of Profab Access, enjoyed a hugely successful 2023 with regards to CPD delivery, supporting more than 4,800 architects and specifiers across 144 events.

For further information on Profab Access, Bilco Uk and Howe Green products, call +44(0)1827 718222 orvisit

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